I goo-PhD (goofed, get it?) and have not blogged in a while since starting my PhD has kept me extra busy. Well, I submitted my first grant application tonight, and so I'm back!
A lot has gone on in my life since the last time I wrote. Some good, some challenging. For the sake of optimism, I'll fill you in on mostly the good stuff! First, my lungs have made their 100% recovery from pneumonia based on lack of chest pain in recent races (and verified by an x-ray). Second, I've transitioned out of base building and have started speed work for indoor track season!
I would be greatly remiss if I did not share with you some pieces written about my aunt who battled pancreatic cancer. She was a tough cookie and we're gonna miss her. Now, every time I log a mile, half, quarter, quarter workout, you'll know I was digging deep for her inspiration.
Washington Times - Quada Quada bench
Coloradoan story
My training plan for the year is going to focus a lot on longer speed. I think I tend to get sucked into doing shorter repeats and playing with less recovery, more repeats, ladders, etc. But to be perfectly honest with myself (and you) I was doing these last winter because they are easier for me. What I really need in order to get fast at the mile is to do the killer 800 workouts à la Deb 2009. A.K.A. attempt (and fail) to run 4 x 800m at 5 seconds faster than goal mile pace. Which means if I want to get to low 5:xx this season, I need to be able to do 800 repeats in about 2:30. Yeah, 2:30. Also known as the typical pace I used to race in any given mid-season 4x800. No big. So how am I going to go about getting down to that pace in workouts? Well, I'm going to stop shying away from longer repeats, meaning 1600,1200, 1000 is something I may have to face, and like it. And those ridiculously fun 200's? Those will be my reward when I'm in killer shape in 2-3 months. And 400's, those will be a tack-on if I'm feeling good that day.
On another topic, it's been a Colby-filled summer and autumn. Moving back to New England has been great and oh how I missed running with people! From meeting up with people over the summer, seeing a horde of mules at the extra rainy Open NE's at Franklin park, an epic 40mph wind track workout with Kat, to pacing some miles of the LOCO marathon with Kate, it's been so much fun. Really looking forward to more mule encounters coming up.
Until next time,
Robyn "track is back" Runner
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