It’s Friday! Time for a compilation of some of our recent favorite things.
Favorite gear: Oiselle’s Wazzie Wool Baselayer in geofast red. So comfortable and warm. It’s been my go-to in these frigid temps when I just can’t stand the dreadmill anymore
Favorite run: a 9 mile loop in the neighboring town. Rolling rural roads and beautiful views.
Favorite song: Outside- Calvin Harris ft. Ellie Goulding
Favorite Instagram: Runnersloveyoga. Her posts remind me to slow down, stretch out, and work on my strength in order to improve my running.
Favorite run: 9.4mi loop around the Charles from my apartment, past Harvard and back on the BU side of the river
Favorite superset: 3 x [10 squat rack, 20 roman chair back extensions, 10 straight arm pull downs]
Favorite quote (of the week): “When you walk, one foot is always on the ground. When you run, most of the time you are actually airborne. For example: a 6-foot-tall runner with feet about 1 foot long was found to take 1,250 steps while running 8-minute miles. Thus, while covering 1 mile—5,280 feet—he was in touch with the ground for 1,250 feet and airborne for 4,030 feet.
Put another way, he was in the air for 76% of the time. So don’t think of it as a 10-mile run. Think of it as 7 miles of flying.” -Paul Richardson
Favorite Kick: Brenda Martinez (and Team USA) to win the DMR and set a new World Record.