Friday, June 27, 2014

Race Recap: 5K PurpleStride DC (Pancreatic Cancer Fundraiser)

Even though I've been feeling reluctant to admit that I did not have a very fantastic race, or even a mediocre race, a couple of weekends ago, it wasn't the reason I hadn't blogged. The real (and more legitimate) reason is that I've been working my buns off all month. And TODAY was my LAST DAY of work! In my sleep-deprived delirium, and as procrastination of packing for the big move in 36h, I'll give a brief update...

I raced, I attempted to break 19, I didn't break 20. Ooops. Turns out that my 60+ hour weeks seemed to win over my carefully calculated and perfect training peak and taper. No worries though, I can tell that I am actually in fantastic shape and as soon as I get some consecutive nights of sleep I'll be chasing that goal again. This time in cooler New England temperatures. The best part of that day was knowing that I had reached and surpassed my fundraising goals with the help of friends, family, and friends of friends. It was a great event for pancreatic cancer fundraising efforts and I was happy to be a part of it for the second year in a row.

On top of all of that, I got to experience the most awkward high-five of my life, thanks to an enthusiastic photographer who doesn't understand that nerdy boys are terrible at giving high-fives when forced.

So, should we just keep our hands touching?
No rush, this isn't uncomfortable or anything
Am I taller?

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