Wednesday, May 13, 2015

By the numbers: Providence Marathon Race Recap

I can barely put into words the experience of my first marathon the other week. It was incredible, hard, fun, rewarding, painful, and everything in between. Instead of writing a blog post as long as the race itself, I am going to recap by the numbers.

18: the number of weeks I trained for the race.

563: the number of miles I ran, from January 1 to May 3rd.

55: the number of miles I ran during my highest mileage week.

20: Longest run pre-marathon.

3:03: How long it took me to run those aforementioned 20 miles. In the marathon, I hit 23 miles in exactly the same time.

3: the number of pairs of shoes worn for training. Mizuno Wave Inspire, Mizuno Wave Rider, Brooks Launch 2 Boston edition.

5:15: the time I woke up on the morning of the marathon. Rarely am I ever awake that early.

Is that you, sunrise?

15: the number of people I knew at the race. Jillian and Colleen ran the half marathon. Sharon, Amelia, Amanda, Than, and a Oiselle teammate Beth all ran the marathon. Robyn, Chris, Sarah, Sarah's parents, my parents and my brother were all there watching, cheering and taking pictures.

Chris, Robyn, Jillian, me and Colleen

Amelia (her first marathon as well!), Sarah and me

Dad and Mom

Me and Sharon
3 1/2: the number of GUs I consumed. In order: mandarin orange (my favorite!), triple berry, salted caramel, and half of a chocolate. By the time I tried my last one, it was so hot and the sugar was starting to make me feel sick. I held onto it for many miles and finally threw it away.

18: the mile at which I hit the wall. Mentally I was fine, but my legs tightened up like crazy. I felt like I slowed down considerably, even though in reality I was able to maintain a decent pace and even push through at the end.

22 and 24: the miles at which Robyn found me, first in pain and agony "deep cleansing breaths, like Deb taught us" and later in excitement and elation. Hearing her say "see you at the finish line!" helped me realize how close I was to finishing and qualifying.

"I can do this?"
"I can do this!"
7:59: my last mile. I was able to stay under 8:00 per mile for 18 miles before I hit the wall. As I approached the finish line, despite my legs being completely dead, I tried for one last rally. Sub-8 after 25 miles felt like a huge accomplishment!

164: My overall place. In a field of 1,107 runners, I was in the top 15%.

3:31:07: My official finishing time. Average pace of 8:01, and fast enough for a Boston Qualifier!

Full marathon results here.

Friday, May 1, 2015

Marathon "Precap"

The other night I had a dream that I qualified for Boston. That I ran a race that I was proud of, and that I could walk without pain after finishing my first marathon. This, I think, it the best sign of what I am about to do this weekend. On the one hand, I am anxious and unsure of what running 26.2 miles will feel like for me. But on the other hand, I am excited and know that I have worked very hard over the past five months. Hopefully I've done enough to ensure a good race on Sunday!

Like with any big race, I have a gradient of goals. A: Finish my first marathon. B: Run sub-4:00 C: Qualify for the 2016 Boston Marathon. I believe that I can hit all of these goals, but even if I just finish, I'll be happy.

Instead of detailing my training as a way of "precapping" this race, I want to share 26 photos from my runs, one for each miles of the race. Not sorry for all the selfies you're about to see.

Finally, big thanks are in order to a few people who have supported me in various ways throughout my training. First to my parents and brother, who have changed their schedules to allow my runs to happen, and for feeding me and picking me up after runs end in darkness. To my coach, Lauren, for guiding and supporting me with workouts that really challenged me and helped me grow. I wouldn't feel nearly as ready for the race if I hadn't had her plans to push and motivate me. To my training partner and bestie, Jillian, for enduring the long runs, complaining together and for picking me up when I was down or depleted after a workout. To my speedy co-blogger Robyn, who has been supportive of and excited for me and who will be there on Sunday as I cross the finish line. And finally, to all of our readers. I'm so lucky to have people who don't tire of listening to me talk about my running!