After my marathon, it took me a while to feel like my runs had purpose again. Physically, I was fine after about a week of rest. But emotionally, I was really tired for a while. The amount of time I spent thinking about my race, the focus on each individual workout and the pressure of one goal really wore me down. Once I started running again, it felt refreshing to run without a goal. But I also felt a little lost. Throughout high school, college and even since graduating, I have rarely run without some race in mind. This has been the first extended period of time where I have been running more or less aimlessly. It wasn't until very recently that I even had an answer to the question "when is your next race?"
So I found motivation in other places. In the beauty of Vermont and the respite from intense academic work during my grad school program. In the stories and humor of podcasts. And in new and old friendships that spanned the miles. As we gear up for another cross country season, I've been reflecting upon my friendships that make running such a pleasure. I, and we as harriers, run for any number of reasons, but the company that make the miles fly by is by far one of the best motivators.

As always, I spent many runs this summer with bestie and training partner Jillian. I could always count on her to cheer me up, or to motivate me up another hill. In grad school I met another cross country coach and super speedster, also named Rachel, who showed me numerous new beautiful running routes. She was kind enough to let me tag along on her easy days and it was on these runs that we became close friends. The bonds you create with someone while sweating together is unmatched. I found this to hold true on a run one weekend with fellow Colby xc alums. We were gathered at Robyn's lake house for her birthday (happy birthday Robyn!!) and a bunch of us headed out on an out and back trail run. We were all surprised at how fast the time flew by while we were trotting and catching each other up on our lives. I unfortunately don't get to see these friends nearly as often as I would like, so getting to run with them is extra special. Once back to CT, I caught up with the boys xc coach for a trail run one muggy afternoon. We headed out on our favorite trail, and under the shade of the summer foliage we traded stories of our summers and compared plans for our upcoming cross country seasons. Having a buddy to slog through the miles and bounce ideas off of really fired me up for the fall.

With the start of cross country season comes the opportunity to run with many new "friends," my runners. Over these past few years, I've formed the strongest bonds with my runners because we are out there working, sweating, struggling and celebrating together in a way that I can't with my classroom students. Coaching these girls and our daily runs are the highlights of every autumn and of my job in general. And I know that for them as well, not running alone also pays off in spades for their races and their friendships. This is why I have been running all summer.
Summer miles bring fall smiles,
Rachel Runner